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Managing Audience Expectations (English Version)

At the beginning of my problem solving @work training, instead of waiting other participants to come into the class, I ask audience to fill their hope in a piece of paper, what goals that they want to achieve during my session and I found these comments :

 Get refreshing in solving the problem  Want to know to solve the problem in a faster way  Solve the problem faster  Choosing a good price, right performance, on time delivery  Gather more problem solving tools at work  Able to solve the problem in a systematical way  Have a different approach in problem solving  Quality is number one  Every problem happen shall be anyone’s responsibility  Solve absentism, changing plan, unplanned schedule, unfinished data requirement  Team work between division  Knowing better collegues from another factory…  Learn to solve the problem  Solve the problem fast and precision  Have the knowledge to solve social and family life…  Choose the right way to solve the problem and alternatives  Knowledge addition  Much more friendship…  Update knowledge  Bigger self confidence in choosing better solution  Think from the other side (wisdom)  update knowledge about problem solving  Application solution at work  Finding an effective way in solving the problem  New approach and strategy that can be implemented in daily activities  Understanding and analyze the problem, right decision and preventive action  Tips in solve the problem and goal setting  Mastering the problem solving techniques in daily jobs and activities  Solve the problem wisely  Easy problem solving  Adding value for interpersonal skills….  Learn something new  Applied system and supported by top management…  More experience in solving the problem  More Experience and knowledge  Knowing the effective ways to solve the problem and solution  Get training benefits  Fast problem solving and decision making

 Get the knowledge so can be implemented for personal and professional  Getting knowledge in training and perspectives  Good interpersonal skill in the environment  Getting commitment with the company  Getting knowledge, perspective about problem solving and decision making

The data was taken from two times training with 34 respondents and according to my observation can be divided into several groups as follows:

1. Awareness : 2 respondents (4%) 2. Knowledge : 19 respondents (39%) 3. Skill : 11 respondents (11%) 4. Attitude : 3 respondents (6%) 5. Implementation : 6 respondents (12%) 6. Wisdom : 1 respondents (2%) 7. Commitment : 1 respondents (2%) 8. others : 6 respondents (12%)

In general, around 40% audiences intent to get knowledge, 10% for skills, 10% for implementation, 10% for attitude, 10% for others and only several want to get it all.

It is quite interesting that one person would like to have a different perspective from the thing they have master and one person really have a commitment to get it for both his own purpose and company.

From this simple test, with a piece of paper and a hope can be useful for us as internal trainer in mapping the needs and enthusiasm of audience especially when conducted with the complete name and identity number so we can direct the person and confirm their position with company Human Asset Value.

In addition, we can also develop a strategy or method in training delivery especially for 1-2 days training or for your MWS package, this can be done at best for you as a main trainer during your friend or staff conduction ice breaker or warming up. You supposed to be to have reading speed skill so when at the time you deliver the material, you get a better purpose, which parts of your material should be delivered intensively.

In shortcut, you can remember the facts of this survey that your audience shall be average 40% for knowledge, 20% for skills and attitude, 10% for implementation and the other 30% need to be clarified by your actions, so you know your audience and use the right strategy to fulfill your audience expectations.

To confirm these expectations, you can also do it in the end of the training lessons.

Good luck!

Surya Rachmannuh, PLT.

Surya is a Professional Licensed Trainer from MWS International. Certifited Problem Solving and Decision Making from Kepner Tregoe, 4DX and 7 Habit Licensed Trainer, Leadership from Dale Carnegie, a Million Leadership Mandate from John C. Maxwell. Saat ini Surya melayani sebagai Internal Trainer (Grustler) disebuah perusahaan FMCG Indonesia, juga sebagai Certified Auditor / Assessor from SGS for Quality Management. You can contact him at 0858 8228 0303 or BB 20F0 8757.

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